
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Excuse Me

Okay so it's like a little after 2 in the morning and I just stopped watching Katt Williams. Anyways that doesn't matter. 

I'm watching this movie on Lifetime called The Surrogate. The plot of the movie doesn't matter either because it doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about except for the surrogacy thing. 

I'm not against surrogacy or anything. I think it's cool. It's totally awesome for people to want a child of their own if they can't have one. 

I have an aunt who wasn't able to reproduce so its not like I think it's weird or anything. 

But I think people should adopt. You want a child and can't have one. Go adopt. There are so many kids in the system that it's ridiculous. 

I was almost put in the system when I was younger so that's why I try to push adoption. 

That's why I'm so pissed that gay couple can't adopt. Are you serious America??? You guys are so against gay people that you won't allow people who want to love a child have one. But you can put kids in drug users houses and give them checks ever month or whatever so that they can go and buy more drugs and treat the kids like shit.

Damn excuse me I kinda got a little off subject. 

Anyways stop spending so much money trying to stick an egg and some sperm up someone else and go get some sweet child out of the system. 

They deserve a chance to be loved and cared for and to do great things. 

I already plan to adopt at least one child when I get older. I don't care if I'm married and can have as many kids as I want. (I don't plan on getting married so that doesn't even matter.) I will adopt a child and give it a better life. 

Anyways I gotta go. This movie is pissing me off. This bitch is bat shit crazy and done already killed one person. It's like damn. And she stole the man credit card and is buying herself shit using it. Like flowers and is sending herself emails using his email address. She's insane. And I can tell the wife knows this but she just wants the baby. Anyways whatever this bitch is crazy. So yeah. 


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