
Friday, August 30, 2013



But that isn't why I am here. I don't even want to touch Kat's topic.

I am trying to catch up on my music download and it is taking me forever because I keep finding new songs and stuff.

Remember when I said I didn't like The Mortal Instruments. First, I think I am going to read the books. I still don't want to see the movie but the soundtrack is BADASS. Jessie J's song is so amazing but i have to give a crap load of credit to Demi Lovato for Heart by Heart.Her vocals are amazing. If you went back to her first album or even her in Camp Rock and then listened to that song you can hear the growth in her voice. It has become stronger and more confident. I didn't even listen to the whole song. I could tell by just here voice that it was amazing.

Also I am trying to get all my Great Gatsby songs. That soundtrack was really good too. I wanted to see the movie but had no one to go with but I will stream it online sooner or later. I really liked the book so I am really hoping they didn't mess it up.

I am getting distracted by Mumford & Sons. I LOVE THEM RIGHT NOW!!!! AND FOREVER!!!! Their videos are amazing. The video for Hopeless Wanderer is hilarious. I couldn't tell that wasn't them until I got close shot of their faces. And the one for Lover of the Light is so emotional. I don't know where all this emotion is coming from but I love that video.

Next I have song for Kat. It is called Still Into You by Paramore. Go check it out. And then go look up Popular Song by MIKA ft. Ariana Grande.

Anyways I have a lot of stuff to do and a crap load more music to download.

I leave you with a goodbye but watch the video. It is adorable and I was like awwwwwwwwwww. And yes it is Rupert Grint from Harry Potter. Which makes it a little bit better just cause of that.

MusicalLover (Who else?????)


Okay I really don't care if you know her name, I really don't. I don't think she cares either. She doesn't know about the blog but she doesn't care about a damn thing anyway. So if you read my previous post, you'll realize when and how I discovered the powers of flirting. Well this chick, my cousin, discovered it ages ago. She's like 16, so. She has at least 3 new boyfriends every year, and a restraining order against one ex. Its serious stuff. She's had a rough childhood though if I cared enough to go into full detail I would but not at 10:10 at night but seriously. Every year we would spend at least 2 weeks together and every year she'd tell me the number of guys that asked her out. Usually my number would be one or two, since I moved, and She would always have like 10 guys on her list.
Challenge accepted.
And this year, we were 1 guy apart. I feel so wrong! I just feel like if I get 1 up on Chelsea, omygod. Priceless. I FEEL it. So that's what I tried to do last year. I tried. And I lost by 1 count! ONE. I don't know.
I remember one time JN asked me how I feel about people. I told him I don't trust them. That is true and false. I absorb people. Seriously. I've just realized it. You must be thinking "good lord she's gone crazy, someone call the funny farm" But I absorb them. I'm Kirby. I take their little ticks I like and mark them as my own. Its like life plagiarizing, except less illegal. My teacher, Ms. Kelly, liked saying "cool beans" Now I say it all the time. I have glasses, like ML. Some traits I take, I like. Others, I don't. Like getting an ADD trait from this guy I know. He told me one day, everything that made him uncomfortable because of it. Now I see imperfection everywhere and constantly.
Only one thing about J. I like people like him. People who everyone likes. I like Christian boys. I honestly believe that if I start dating one, or being around one enough, I will absorb it. Okay, back to the post.
I do not commit. I suck at doing homework, or turning in an assignment on time. I just procrastinate. Same with my Faith. One day I'm praising God, praying all the time, the next I'm cussing on this blog.
I know its not just me. And I'm so thankful for that.


He's just not that into you

So I just finished watching this movie, "He's just not that into you" and it got me thinking. I know ML's thinking, aw nah here we go about J again but... I mean... I just wanted to say how true what Gigi said was.
Like, when I lived upstate, the rule was, if a boy likes you, he'll show you by hitting you or being mean to you. And some girls took it as a compliment. Not me. If they hit me then damn I was gonna hit back. But I wasn't always this way. In elementary, I was awkward. No one LIKE liked me until they realized I was leaving. How stupid huh? Then I changed schools in the middle of 4th grade, and some guy who I'll call Akali liked me for half a school year. then I switched schools again. And in that school I had realized that if he hits you, he likes you. And I was so tired of being hit. So I hit back. I mean hard. I was in 5th grade! From 5th grade to 6th grade I learned how to hit boys. So then I moved STATES. So I was in a whole new element. And the first boy who liked me(this was in 7th grade, he was in 8th) I dislocated his shoulder. He was one of my brothers friends. Hey, I'm not a demon or anything. That was just how it was. Oh, you like me? Kay, you're probably going to hit me some time during this period so let me beat you to it. That was my  mindset. And after, when he didn't hit back, he was SCARED of me, I realized. This wasn't the same. So the next boy, I'll call him DA, I had my 1st block A day class with him. This, ladies and gentlemen, is when I started to learn the classic art of flirting.
And we ended up dating! For like a week. But still. It proved to be effective. It was so strange. And so NEW. I could barely comprehend the powers FLIRTING held. Its seriously magic. So I started to do it all the time. Its not hard. Laugh at stupid stuff. It helps if your dozed off face looks like your paying attention face, like me. But that's just it though. I get all these boys to like me FLIRTING and I'm just like... I dunno. It makes me feel good sometimes, when they ask me out. I remember in elementary, there were these two guys, James and Jeremiah. And I had two best friends, Rosie and Marleny. And they matched up. Rosie and Jeremiah and....wait no, they both liked Rosie I think. Yeah they did. I remember being so mad. Not mad enough to want her to stop being my friend obviously. Well no, it wasn't mad, it was jealousy. I was so jealous. Of Rosie! God, and she had blond hair and blue eyes I mean....
So that guy whose shoulder I dislocated? And how scared he was of me? That was only for like a year. The fear wore off and he realized he shouldn't be afraid of a girl a year or two younger than him. So we started texting and he met the nice me and we're friends now. He tells me about his girlfriend and their cute little secret romance thing they have going on. We don't go to the same high school but we facebook and text. Its nice, you know? We only became friends when he tried to commit suicide and I was crying on the phone for like 2 hours trying to talk him out of it.
"Why are you crying? You're evil!"
"Because you're my friend you idiot! I'm sorry, please don't die!" sob, sob
Yeah it went like that. For two hours. The dork.
But seriously, guys this is a long post cause I just had to get this off my chest. and in a minute I'm going to write a post that's kind of not and kind of is about the same thing.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I hate when I read books with bad endings but a badass story line. It takes away from the storyline so much an makes me want to scream. And them those that you aren't sure if there is a sequel or not because of how it ends like bitch seriously. 

I'm really upset because I just finished The Program by Suzanne Young. The idea and the storyline is really badass. I mean I read it in less than a day. But them I got to the end and it was like are you fucking serious with this bullshit. I just can't. I can't. 

Jesus I'm soda because I don't understand what happened. Well I understand but it's like WHY?! Really. I mean seriously. I'm trying to give away anything but it just pissed me off. 

Monday, August 26, 2013


NEW MUSIC!!!!! Love it!!!!!! If you aren't listening to these song you need to be!!!

Acapella - Karmin (BADASS!)
Roar - Katy Perry
Applause - Lady Gaga
Brave - Sara Barielles 
I'm Out - Ciara 
Wild - Jessie J (My cleaning jam cause I be dancing)
Blood On The Leaves - Kanye West/Yeezus (Can't stand his new name but awesome song)
Young & Beautiful - Lena Del Ray (Sp haunting and just AHHHH!) 

Tomorrow I will talk about KS and her sweet sixteen but right now I am finishing homework and rocking out to these songs! Which is actually helping me! Yay anyone!?!?

Love new music. And some of these aren't new new but they are in my homework playlist so yeah. 


Thursday, August 22, 2013


Okay so doing my Pre-Calculus homework and I don't  understand anything so I am taking a break.

First let me clear something up. I didn't yell for J to turn around this morning I just yelled his name and he turned around and then I didn't say anything and he turned back around. 

And now this is what I'm really here for. 


What the hell people! They aren't even close to be the same. Are y'all serious with this shit? I'm really upset about this. Mortal Instruments is not the next Twilight because its not anything like Twilight. 

Can Mortal Instruments not have there own identity. Why are people trying to force it into Twilight place, not that it can be done. And it feels like they are trying to force the book and the movies onto teenagers. 

I honestly don't want to read it. I had it once and started it but it was just so incredible boring. I didn't even want to skip ahead like I did with The Hunger Games. Just no. 

Twilight and Mortal Instruments are NOT the same so if I here or see one more thing trying to compare them then I will just scream. 

Twilight, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Mortal Instrumemts, and all these other series are not the same. Some of these series may have the se qualities, but Twilight and Mortal Instruments don't even have that. People just want to fill the hole that Harry Potter and Twilight left. And since Twilight ended last they want to say that it is like this movie but its not. 

Also I don't like Lily Collins as an actress and I think they made the wrong choice but whatever. 


Stupid DC 1 DIG LAY

OH MY GOSH My heart just broke seeing ML's post. And then kind of got sewn together when she talked about having "dinner" with us. Fro- yo is the bomb!
But I must say, Gosssssshhhhh I do not want to be in this class. Im only in here because I want to get a seal on my diploma. Its a stupid computer class. God. Stupid.
And also, ML and I were talking and walking and J comes down the hall looking all cute and white boyish and I just smile and say hi (He didn't say hi back he kind of is a jerk) But then ML PHYSICALLY PUSHED ME INTO HIM. I almost drop kicked her to China. Joking,  IDK how... Then we sat behind him in the sophomore assembly. ML was like "HEY J TURN AROUND" And I was like, "NO DO NOT TURN AROUND" And he listened to me. Smart kid.
Anyhoodle, I cannot wait to have lunch. I'm starved. Im just gonna buy some chicken strips from the cafeteria... Gosh I'm so hungry. Im also kind of scared cause every time I eat something I end up spilling some of it on my shirt like barbecue sauce, and I really like this shirt. Its a button down blue one. Long-sleeved. Its so pretty and comfortable! Yay! I got it when I was after school shopping with my mom. Who is making me take Spanish 3. But thats a whole other thing.


P.S. This is one of the funniest things Ive seen on the internet. IDK why I laughed so hard

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Different Ways to Say Hello

So I had this totally badass post planned out that I was going to post yesterday but then some fuckery happened. (Fuckery is my new word. I got or from Kingsley off YouTube. I love him, so yeah.) 

First I had a crapload of homework to do.  I had to do Pre-Cal homework (ON MY FIRST DAY! When did we start giving out homework on the first day.) I also had Creative Writing homework. I love this class. If you ever get the chance I advise people to take it unless the teacher is a uber-bitch. Our teacher is sooooooooo nice. And just AHHHH love it. I had English homework too. My teachers name is a drug which makes the class a little more fun and today he stood on a table for me so yeah. And now I have more Pre-Cal homework and more English homework. And I need to rewrote my thing for Creative Writing but I want to get this out first. 

My stepmother has not talked to me since I have returned from up north. And I don't mean like she just completely ignores me because I have to eat and she uses me to clean her kitchen but the most she has said to me is, "****** what are you still doing here. You missed the bus." 
I just wanna let you know that I didn't know I was riding the fucking bus that morning. It was the first day and I haven't rode the bus on the first day since never. So I'm trying to figure out how I was supposed to know to get on the bus when neither of my parents told me and she waited until after to tell me. She knows what time I leave in the morning. If she wasn't being such a petty bitch maybe I would have ridden the bus. 

I wrote like two whole pages on her last night because she pissed me off so much. I shouldn't care that she isn't talking to me but I do. And so yeah. 

My father hasn't bought me any school supples. I am so serious. He said he was getting them Thursday but I already have homework... I need supplies. I don't have time to wait for him. He is tripping. 

So you know when your parents ask you how was your first day? Yeah I didn't get that from anybody. And I expected it but it didn't happen and it was kind of sad. 

So today at dinner my little sister wanted everybody sitting down to eat. We don't have enough chair so yeah. We just gathered around the table. I have never felt like more of an outsider in my life. They were all talking and laughing and my brother ate his food an left. It was awkward for me. Nobody paid attention to me. Nobody asked me questions. It was... 

So I'm just ready to get out of this fucking house. I like going to school now because I have people there and don't feel like an outsider. I wake up in the morning and get ready to go. I have had a headache for the past couple of days and I am just not in the mood to go ask her for some aspirin or something. I don't feel like her snapping at me. 

I was going to type those pages up that I wrote but I still have stuff to do and need to take a shower. So yeah. 

But I'm okay. On Saturday I'm going to eat dinner with my real chosen family. And by dinner I mean frozen yogurt and my my real chosen family I mean friends. My friends are my family and I love them dearly. Haha sounding old right there. 

So yeah. Even if you don't fit in to your immediate family you can always have those really close friends who become you're family. And you can choose them. So yeah. Have a nice life! 



What's up! I've been gone WAYYYY too long! Can you blame me? I have busy summers. And school has started! Its the third day and I have a crapload of homework including an essay! Can you believe? I cannot wait to be famous! I watched a part of the musical Rent last night with my mom. Live theater. I cannot wait until I can do that! I need to take singing lessons...
Anyway...shhhhhhhhh this is a secret....
I might......maybe......still have a tinymicroscopiccrushonJ
I KNOW! I'm so ashamed! But I said maybe. I have to talk to him sometime this week. Either tomorrow or Friday. Every time I see him I give myself an excuse.
Oh, he's with other people; Oh, he needs to get to his next class; Oh, I don't have time to talk to him, I need to get to my next class. I could go on and on...
I have so much to say but I'm silent.
 I don't have the voice to speak to you
I can step on a stage, but I cant step up to your face
I'm hiding behind a veil and its killing me
So I stay down here, six feet underground
Waiting for the day when you just might turn around and say
I saw you standing over here and I just couldn't stay away
I better get my head on straight
Before you get sick of playing this game
And with all that's going on
I couldn't take it if you let me down
And Ill let you be the king of my heart
But I still hold the crown
See, how pathetic am I? Readers, don't be like me. I'm begging you. If youre going to only take one piece of advice from this blog, let this be it. Don't follow our crappy example. Please.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Twilight Saga

So yesterday I watched Vampires Suck, which is a really funny movie that makes fun of the fist two Twilight films. I have been told that if I liked that movie that I am not a Twilight fan. I say whatever to them. I invested my time to going to see and read all the films and the movies. I have defended the saga from haters and just yeah. I'm a HUGE Twilight fan. Anyways that movies made me want to watch Twilight, so that is what I did this morning.

I got up and watched the entire series. I just finished the last one and my eyes sting from trying to keep the tears at bay. I am going to start with the first one.

I didn't see Twilight until after I say New Moon and I didn't even watch the whole thing until after Eclipse. The movies is awkward to me because I fist saw Edward and Bella in love and not trying to avoid each other. So I really didn't like Twilight. I don't like watching it. I don't like the way Bella dresses or Alice's hair. But whatever. My favorite part in that movie is so small. I like the first time when Edward and Bella are walking into school together and Bella goes, "Everybody is staring." And Edward replies back with, "Not that guy, oh wait he looked." And then he says "I'm breaking all the rules now. Since I'm going to hell." It's a slight humor and then what he says is so my motto. I'm already going to hell I minus well do all the things I want illegal or not. I don't like the part where they were in the woods and Edward goes, "I have to show you what we look like." He says it in this really mean, dark, menacing voice and then it's just like, sparkle. Like dude you sparkle, you don't turn into some dark creature. You sparkle. Stop making such a big deal out of you sparkling. Stephanie Meyer should have changed them sparkling. That is not dark at all. Another thing, my aunt asked me if I knew Robert Pattinson sang and played piano; I did. I however did not know that the song that was played in the background when Bella was writhing on the floor and Edward was sucking the venom out of her was him. That song is my shit. I love that song. I found this out when I watched it because I love that song. Let Me Sign is good and I recommend it Twilight/Robert Pattinson fan or not. You want to hate it but you can't. This is really all I have about Twilight. I watched it early this morning and can't remember anything and there wasn't really anything wrong. I mean I mentioned what I didn't like. I really don't have a lot to go on because I don't watch Twilight often because as I stated before, they seem way to awkward for me.

So on to New Moon. My Aunt N took me out of school to see this when it came out. I hadn't seen Twilight yet but I really didn't care. I actually hadn't finished this book because my stepmother decided out of nowhere that the books were to "grown" for me. Whatever. I still read them after that and she didn't say shit to me them. So New Moon was New Moon. I mean the part where Jacob took off his shirt to give to Bella because she cut open her head, let me tell you what you do. You slow that part down and watch it repeatedly because his chest is... AMAZING. Trust me I have paused it and just looked at it a couple of times. I didn't really fixate on the whole Edward leaving her part. It was just like... eh. I didn't really like Jacob until he turned into a werewolf and they took all the weave out of his head. I can still appreciate a damn good chest on a dude with long hair, but I like white dudes with long hair. Which brings me to Aro, whom I love. Yes I love Aro. You learn more about that down the line when I star talking more about the characters. I didn't get to read this part so watching it was like a completely new thing to me. So my Aunt was completely fixated on the scene where Demitri slammed Edward down and his face cracked. She talked about it the whole way home and out the theater and just yeah. So then they get back and they are at the Cullen's to vote and I don't think a lot of people noticed this but did anybody hear Bella tell Edward to shut up. I sure did and it was hilarious. And then Edward asked Bella to marry him but not before Bella set Jacob straight. I love how Edward to Bella to leave when he was about to fight Jacob. Like really, I am not about to leave so you can hurt yourself and my best friend. So yeah. I didn't read this part so Edward proposing was new to me. Also there was a little more in the book after Jacob came at the end but whatever.

Onto Eclipse where Bella finally had a since of style but her hair was not cute. She cut her hair she they had to do weave and stuff for the movie. I love the natural tint of her hair. I really do. So seeing this crap that they put on her was like no. I didn't like it. So I went to see this with my mother whom sat and asked me questions the entire movie and kept asking me was it scary. She jumped when Victoria bit Riley at the beginning. I really liked Eclipse. My Aunt hated it but I really liked Eclipse. I remember watching every trailer and every clip they release over and over again. That summer I was all about Eclipse. I love the scene where Jacob kissed Bella and she punched him. The sound that came from her hitting him was hilarious. It sounded like punching a rock. I love Jasper's backstory too. and this is where I completely fell in love with Jasper. He's so cute. I love the scene where they were training to fight the newborns. Another thing did anyone see Rosalie during the fight with the newborns. I didn't. I mean we saw Esme who really surprised us by fighting. I however could not stand Bella's attitude toward Jacob. She was a real slut. It was rude to lead him on like that. Not that he was any better, but I will get to that later. I loved all the backstories and the history that was there. The flashbacks were awesome. I really don't have a lot to say. I liked this movie and yeah.

Onto Breaking Dawn Part 1. This movie came out the same year Harry Potter ended and it was like a slap in the face. I mean one of my series was already gone and now I only had one more movie until this was gone. I didn't really like this movie. But you needed it to know what was there and stuff. I hated the beginning of Breaking Dawn and it was because they were all sweet and the pace was slow. I remember watching the previews where the Cullens and the wolves are fighting and getting so upset because that shit never happened. I am not going to talk about there sec scene since the movie was borderline rated R. Let me tell you how many teens would have been pissed if it was. Anyways her wedding dress was beautiful. I love lace so I was all for it. I also liked that the showed Stephanie Meyer at the wedding. They did something like that in Twilight too. I loved when Jacob was leaving after seeing Bella and he phased and you could see what he saw and stuff. I loved how they had the voices in his head and how they did the wolves telepathy thing. And the part where Jacob took control from Sam. That was badass. So the special effects they had to do were really good. Bella looked for real sick. It was cool. Up until they did Reneesme which I will talk about in the next movie. I love that they had Edward covered in blood and fighting. He looked like a real vampire for a second. Loved it. I also love love love love love that they showed Bella's transformation. I love that you could physically see her changing. It was awesome. You could see the color coming back to her hair and her lips become fuller and stuff. It was awesome. Loved it. Ad the end where it was just her eyes. I died because I really didn't thing they were going to go that far. Now if you stayed past that part you would have seen Gianna bringing Aro the message. I love that scene because you never really get a look at them and they were a big part in the storyline after New Moon. And then if you would have stayed through the credits you would have heard It Will Rain by Bruno Mars and A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Both are badass artist who sing badass and have badass songs. The video for A Thousand Years makes me want to cry every time I see it. Both of these songs makes me sad when I hear them because I think of Twilight. Especially with It Will Rain. My stepmother admits to saying that if A Thousand Years was out when her and my father got married that the song would have been her wedding song.

Now to the sad part. Breaking Dawn Part 2. I left school early to see this with my Aunt N again. I freaked out about this movie. The previews showed them fighting and I was so upset because that shit defiantly did not fucking happen. So anyways Bella's up and stuff. I just want them to know that Reneesme looked so fake. I mean sooooo fake. You could tell. It was so obvious up until they brought the real child in. And that wasn't until the middle of the movie. So Bella finds out about Jacob and her voice gets weird and deep and it was like no. Woah. And also Jacob is telling Charlie about him and taking off all his clothes and I was like dying in the theater. Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward had haircuts. Carlisle was not that good. You get that he is wearing a wig and all but yeah. They had there first vampire love scene. Apparently Bella has turned Edward into a sex addict because he was trying to get some far to much for me. I love Benjamin and Garrett. I love them. Garrett is funny and Benjamin is just awesome. I love that Carlisle and Edward had a moment before the battle. It was... nice, you know.So I minus well get down to business and talk about the fuckery that us Twilight fans had to witness. The part that had us ready to leave, cry, and cuss out every stupid person. This fight scene.  What the fuck was this. First I want to know why they slapped Jasper. Like damn. Next Alice's kick was badass. and then Carlisle came and we all just hope that maybe Aro wasn't such a douche. But he was and we see Carlisle head and all hell breaks loose. My Aunt grabbed her purse and was about to walk out after that. I was so shocked I stopped halfway to my mouth with the Twizzler. So everyone is fighting and we lose Seth, Leah, and Jasper. Was not going to fly. Edward and Demitri and or Felix are going at it. Bella is trying to shield everyone. Carlisle fucking DEAD. Jacob is on the run. When Benjamin split the ground open I was like YES. And then Alice kicked Jane's ass with the help of Bella. We see Caius get his head torn off by his mouth which was badass and gruesome. We see Marcus die, but he wanted to die. And I knew this before I heard him say, "Finally." Marcus was living without his mate. Aro killed her and Marcus didn't have a way to die. So yeah. We see Leah sacrifice herself for Esme. We see Edward fall into the gorge. I just want to let you know that if Edward had of died, I probably would have left. You can't put me through four movies with him to have him die. Oh hell nah. But he comes back and we see both him and Bella going to kill Aro. Bella's shoes were super cute when she kicked this bitch in the face. And then they tear his head off and burn him. But wait. It was all a vision. I was too stunned to say this out loud but I was thing WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!! We didn't know it was a vision. All these real Twilight book fans are freaking out and having heart attacks. What type of fuckery is this. So then Aro is to scared to do anything and Nahuel walks in and yeah they leave. We are getting close to the end. Here we see Edward and Bella sitting in there meadow kissing. Then we heard A Thousand Years Part 2 playing in the background. And then we see Bella showing Edward their history together. I have already got tears in my eyes from Carlisle and now they fall. The song already makes me cry. And the next thing you know we have them showing everybody who has ever been in one of the Twilight movies. They go back to Twilight and it dawns on me that shit. Twilight is over. This is it. And I just wipe tears away. I cry at the end of this movie every time. And I am not ashamed.

This is for anybody who has a fandom. You invest so much time into that fandom. Like Twilight. You read the books, watch the movies, defend it's honor, get to know the people, fall in love with it, start crushing on the cast; and then all of a sudden it is over. You put a couple of years into it and now it is just done. I cried at the end of Harry Potter too. Not as long as I cried for Twilight and not as much tears but Harry Potter had this nice happy ending. They didn't have some emotional song and they didn't remind people of everything. Twilight pulled out the first Victoria and then put up the fist logo and it is just like wow. Twilight is over. I was sad.

So let me talk about these characters. I am really just about to hit about three or four of them. The people who stood out and stuff.

Okay so I already stated that I Love Aro. He is pretty cool. The actor that plays him, Michael Sheen, was also in Underworld which I didn't realize until this summer. I was like woahhhhhhh. He plays Lucien a lycan which Twilight considers a werewolf/shape-shifter. (Not about to go into that.) So he was been on both sides of the fight. So I find that really cool. My Aunt loves the sounds he makes. That sounds dirty I know but when he meet Reneesme the sound that came out his mouth was like wow. It was hilarious. Sometimes you just have to love the villain. Aro was just power hungry. Carlisle had somethings he wanted. You see at the end that he now wants Bella because of her gift. He switches from Alice to her. He just wants power and he isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get it.

I love Jane. She's badass. Dakota Fanning did an amazing job playing her. It was really good. The way her voice sounded and they she carried herself. Loved her. I did think her brother Alec was played by Kevin Jonas though. He really looked like it. Just saying.

Now onto Jacob. I have defended him to just about everybody but earlier this summer it dawned on me that he is a jackass. I like what he looks like. I don't know Taylor Lautner so I can not say anything about him except that he is fine. Bella tells Jacob in the end of New Moon that her choice will always be Edward but he spends the next movie trying to get to love him. He forces her to kiss him. He then guilt trips her into kissing him for real even though her fiancĂ©e is close. She shouldn't have kissed him but really. He spends BD P.1 getting upset that she did what she wanted to do. If Bella wanted Jacob she would have gone to him. How is he getting mad that she got married. And he knew she was getting married. I mean isn't that why you guilt tripped her in the last movie. Jacob is a really sexy, good looking, rock hard abs jackass. He's fine as hell but he is just immature and a jackass.

So this brings us to an end. The Twilight Saga is over. This is one of those movies that if they remake them they will be shit. No matter what. So I am really sleepy and I am absolutely positive I did not get all the pints I wanted in but still I got enough. I got to get up in the morning so yeah. The Hunger Games is gonna go by quick so y'all better enjoy while you can.
No one can deny that Stephanie Meyer brought a whole new vampire to life. Her idea was creative and different a brought a while era to life.



Saturday, August 10, 2013


So I broke my iPod the other day (yesterday). 

And today we went out and got another so IM BACK! 
Yay. I am not my mothers minion as she says. But I'm happy because this one has more space. So that means more music :-) 

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Fosters Season Finale

Okay so I just finished watching The Fosters and I am like almost in tears. 

Oh my gosh Lena and Stef got married!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh. I am a supporter in gay marriage. And it was just amazing to see it even if it was on TV and they actresses weren't actually gay. 

But anyways they played Same Love by Macklemore which I love. I love love love that song. 

Gosh I don't even know. And then Callie went and ruined my vibe. I can't believe her. She is such a Bella. She goes and makes out with Brandon and then she her brother goes off, and I mean he went off on her. So she leaves in the middle of the night thinking she was helping her brother and not being selfish. And she goes to Wyatt and ask for a ride to Indiana with him. She ugh. She ruined my buzz. 

Anyways I'm like really pissed that I have to wait until January to watch my show again. :-( 

And on last note Everybody is created equal or has America forgotten. Just because someone likes their own sex does not make them any less human. And even though I don't believe in love, Love is Love no matter who it's with. 


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Middle Child

I am the middle child up north. There are three of us and I'm in the middle. 

And it sucks. 

My little brother gets away with just about everything and they treat him like a 4 year old and he is almost 10. They always tell us to do stuff for him that he needs to learn how to do. He didn't know how to tie his shoes until last year and its because they have always done stuff for him. I mean really. 

My older brother gets a lot of what he wants and no one ever questions him and they tend to not ask him to do much. He is left alone to be by himself and do whatever. 

But not me. I'm that child that a lot of the crap goes on. It sucks sometimes. 

I get told a lot of adult stuff that I probably shouldn't be told. Sometimes it's okay and other times its like why are you telling me this. 

And I'm usually the one cooking. It's because my mother doesn't like to cook and I don't mind. But sometimes it's like oh my gosh I'm not the only one with hands. 

And I'm usually the person to out together the grocery list. Actually usually isn't it right. I always put together grocery list. And it's extremely hard when neither my mother nor my brothers know what they want to eat. So I end up pulling dinner ideas out of my ass. It's almost as hard as coming up with story ideas during writers block. 

I do a lot of cleaning. Sometimes I don't mind but I hate washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. And my mother never asked my brother to do those things. I'm usually stuck with them and not long after I finish there is more plates and cups in the sink. Like HELLO DID YOU NOT JUST SEE MY WASHING DISHES. Really y'all? 

I'm annoyed because my mother wants me to put together a grocery list and its really hard to do when she is completely ignoring me when I try to ask her questions and talk to her. A minute ago she walked out the room while I was talking because she was to busy texting someone to pay attention. 

I'm trying to get this list together and nobody wants to help me. I spent about an hour looking up dinner ideas and what was needed to go along with them. I had it all written down and I just needed to figure out what I needed for the week but nobody wants to sit down and talk with me. My brothers are playing video games. My older brother is having a conversation with himself that i can hear and it is so annoying. My mother is doing God knows what. And I'm hear trying to figure this shit out. 

The only good thing that came out of this is that I get to add whatever I want to this list and she's going to be okay with it because I'm the person who always makes the grocery list. 
