
Friday, August 30, 2013


Okay I really don't care if you know her name, I really don't. I don't think she cares either. She doesn't know about the blog but she doesn't care about a damn thing anyway. So if you read my previous post, you'll realize when and how I discovered the powers of flirting. Well this chick, my cousin, discovered it ages ago. She's like 16, so. She has at least 3 new boyfriends every year, and a restraining order against one ex. Its serious stuff. She's had a rough childhood though if I cared enough to go into full detail I would but not at 10:10 at night but seriously. Every year we would spend at least 2 weeks together and every year she'd tell me the number of guys that asked her out. Usually my number would be one or two, since I moved, and She would always have like 10 guys on her list.
Challenge accepted.
And this year, we were 1 guy apart. I feel so wrong! I just feel like if I get 1 up on Chelsea, omygod. Priceless. I FEEL it. So that's what I tried to do last year. I tried. And I lost by 1 count! ONE. I don't know.
I remember one time JN asked me how I feel about people. I told him I don't trust them. That is true and false. I absorb people. Seriously. I've just realized it. You must be thinking "good lord she's gone crazy, someone call the funny farm" But I absorb them. I'm Kirby. I take their little ticks I like and mark them as my own. Its like life plagiarizing, except less illegal. My teacher, Ms. Kelly, liked saying "cool beans" Now I say it all the time. I have glasses, like ML. Some traits I take, I like. Others, I don't. Like getting an ADD trait from this guy I know. He told me one day, everything that made him uncomfortable because of it. Now I see imperfection everywhere and constantly.
Only one thing about J. I like people like him. People who everyone likes. I like Christian boys. I honestly believe that if I start dating one, or being around one enough, I will absorb it. Okay, back to the post.
I do not commit. I suck at doing homework, or turning in an assignment on time. I just procrastinate. Same with my Faith. One day I'm praising God, praying all the time, the next I'm cussing on this blog.
I know its not just me. And I'm so thankful for that.


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