
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Middle Child

I am the middle child up north. There are three of us and I'm in the middle. 

And it sucks. 

My little brother gets away with just about everything and they treat him like a 4 year old and he is almost 10. They always tell us to do stuff for him that he needs to learn how to do. He didn't know how to tie his shoes until last year and its because they have always done stuff for him. I mean really. 

My older brother gets a lot of what he wants and no one ever questions him and they tend to not ask him to do much. He is left alone to be by himself and do whatever. 

But not me. I'm that child that a lot of the crap goes on. It sucks sometimes. 

I get told a lot of adult stuff that I probably shouldn't be told. Sometimes it's okay and other times its like why are you telling me this. 

And I'm usually the one cooking. It's because my mother doesn't like to cook and I don't mind. But sometimes it's like oh my gosh I'm not the only one with hands. 

And I'm usually the person to out together the grocery list. Actually usually isn't it right. I always put together grocery list. And it's extremely hard when neither my mother nor my brothers know what they want to eat. So I end up pulling dinner ideas out of my ass. It's almost as hard as coming up with story ideas during writers block. 

I do a lot of cleaning. Sometimes I don't mind but I hate washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. And my mother never asked my brother to do those things. I'm usually stuck with them and not long after I finish there is more plates and cups in the sink. Like HELLO DID YOU NOT JUST SEE MY WASHING DISHES. Really y'all? 

I'm annoyed because my mother wants me to put together a grocery list and its really hard to do when she is completely ignoring me when I try to ask her questions and talk to her. A minute ago she walked out the room while I was talking because she was to busy texting someone to pay attention. 

I'm trying to get this list together and nobody wants to help me. I spent about an hour looking up dinner ideas and what was needed to go along with them. I had it all written down and I just needed to figure out what I needed for the week but nobody wants to sit down and talk with me. My brothers are playing video games. My older brother is having a conversation with himself that i can hear and it is so annoying. My mother is doing God knows what. And I'm hear trying to figure this shit out. 

The only good thing that came out of this is that I get to add whatever I want to this list and she's going to be okay with it because I'm the person who always makes the grocery list. 


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