People who commit suicide are like a giant contradiction. Like God. I mean they are brave because that takes a lot of bravery to just off yourself. Really. But they are also cowards because of facing their problems they ran away from them.
I'm not just talking about bullying suicide either. I mean like mothers who kids die and they kill themselves or just people who's lives have filled up with so much stress they can't handle it.
You start to wonder why your here in this world and its like you know what there isn't a real reason so why am I still here. It's even harder when you have nothing holding you down. Nothing to keep you here.
If you do then its like why would they miss me. What have I done for them that makes me so significant. In this big ass world why am I special.
Celebrities and rich people commit suicide. So money doesn't make anyone happy and neither does fame.
So what is happiness? Really?
That something you can't define. Yeah there is a dictionary definition but everyone is different so really everyone has their own definition of happiness.
Not unless you haven't really felt happiness.
Happiness is just a thing.
Like love.
It's something you think is there but how do you know it really is?
You have to believe. How can you believe in something you can't see?
So really suicide is a state of mind. Just because you are suicidal doesn't mean you are going to commit suicide. You don't really know it is there until your dead. But what comes after that?
I mean we are all eventually going to die. So what's the point in staying here if we aren't happy. You can't take the money and the fame and anything with you so why try to work for it? Why try to be better? What's the point?
What's the point of living?
Why am I still here?
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