
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So, yeah, I'm alive/MusicalLover was here!!!!

Alive and well, thanks for asking. Apparently my mom's boyfriend is NOT murderer. Good to know, yeah?
Anyway, Happy New Year and whatever. It's not time yet but it will be soon. Unless you're on the other side of the world in which case Happy Jan. first or whatever.
I'm going to sleep. Midnight is too much for me right now. I've been staring at a screen all day.



Okay so Kat forgot to post this last night and I'm just gonna add on. 

Happy New Year. Yay it's 2014. 

That means nothing to me. I've never been a really big fan of the new year. It's just another day. I get that people are starting over and changing things about themselves but yeah whatever. I'm still going to be that person. 

I was at a church for New Year's Eve. I know. There was no food and nothing to toast with. My siblings and I procrastinated a lot so we got there like an hour and a half late so yeah. They actually missed the countdown. So you know nothing exciting. 

There's a Ravenswood Marathon on so I'm going to watch that and then watch Alice in Wonderland because I love that moie. 

So yeah have a nice day. 


Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Break Things

Hey guys,
So first of all I want to say "aww" for ML 'cause I'm sorry her stomach hurts and I hope she feels better.
Second, I want to let you guys know that it was super weird for a second because the Saturday ML went to her aunt's house was the same day I was supposed to go to my aunt's house and we both would've had to drive three hours to get to our relatives house but I ended up not going because my mom likes to use rental cars for long drives and we didnt get a rental because there was a new guy working who was being stupid and it was kind of a stupid day in total. A bunch of other stuff happened that I dont feel like explaining so I'm just going to say that it was stupid. So instead we are going to go on New Years which I guess is okay. I'm not the one who's going to drive for three hours so...
On another note, my brother just got his permit. So him and my mom go out in the mornings for driving lessons and such. I think I would've passed my exam to get my permit if I had taken it but I forgot my permission slip for taking the exam in my locker so that was a bummer.
What else... I think that's pretty much it except I really have to start working on my homework. I have biology, chemistry, English, and Spanish homework to do that I haven't even started on... The drags of being on the Science side...
And by the way my mom's boyfriend is going to take my brother out for driving lessons and then take us out for dinner. I was not about to get in a car alone with that man I DO NOT KNOW HIM.
My mom won't even get home until 9:30 so if he kidnaps us she wouldnt know a THING.
I don't trust that guy...
 If I don't post or text ML you know why that is and even if i turn up dead in a ditch somewhere I swear I am going to come back up from the grave so i can say,



Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry After - Christmas

Hola people's. My stomach is hurting but I needed to post so this will be quick. I really don't feel good.

Yesterday we went to my aunt's house to gather with my aunts and uncles to pass out the rest of our gifts and stuff. My family is awesome and completely insane. I swear to gosh my Grandmother passed my aunt's house three times before she stopped. So I got $20 in iTunes gift cards, $50 in the App Store. I am trying to see if I can use that in iTunes because I don't buy a lot of stuff out of the App Store. They do sell books though so I could get some of those. I also got a $25 Amazon gift card, that I already spent on a CD, a Mockingjay bracelet, a Deathly Hallows bracelet, and a snitch necklace. Some of you may be thinking, why buy the CD when you have an iTunes gift card. It's mostly because I like having the physical CD and the case and just all of that. It's weird but I would much rather have the CD and anyways I can just load it and put it on my iPod so yeah.

I couldn't but the CD at the store because I spent all my money on 2 CDs: Waking Up by OneRepublic and I Love You by The Neighborhood. I love The Neighborhood. And I also helped pay for Twilight Forever. My mom had to help some too. Half and half. Anyways I was freaking the fuck out in the line and just wanted to cry and I seriously was hugging the box. I wanted to sleep with it but I defiantly don't want to mess my movies up. In case you guys were wondering Twilight Forever is all 5 Twilight movies in a box set. It's like a photo album. Each page has a movie or the special features and there is a picture of that movie on that page. It is so awesome. You guys don't even know how excited I was.

My mom is trying to get me to spend my New Years Eve in a church for like 4 hours and honestly I just want to sit here and watch TV. I don't watch the countdown shows because they bother me so I usually just watch a marathon. ABCFamily is having a Foster's marathon so I might watch that.

I am so excited for my shows to come back on. Pretty Little Liars and Ravenswood are back on January 7. The Foster's comes back on January 13. I am so excited.

Okay I have to go my stomach seriously hurts and I want to lie down. See you guys later.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ed Sheeran


I sound like a total fan girl but this song is awesome. Ed Sheeran's voice is magical. I swear when he sang that first line I almost burst out in tears. I can't even describe it. Just watch the video and just fall in love.

I love listening to new songs. It's a whole new experience, another story waiting to be listened to or explained. Music is such a big part of my life. It doesn't make any sense considering I don't know how to play any instruments really well. (I can play the flute.) I just love listening to the stories of other people and I actually don't even know. I just really like music. I am so not about to get into this. My mind is crazy right now.

And when you are done go listen to Wayfaring Stanger by the same person, Ed Sheeran. I love how the song builds. Okay I have to go my mother is sitting next to me trying to see what I am writing and that can't happen.

Bye Peoples!!!


P.S. I do like XO by Beyoncé though but Drunk In Love is some shit she should have saved for Rihanna.


Okay so I just listened and watched the video for Drunk In Love by Beyonce. 

Oh my gosh why is Beyonce trying to be like these dumb ass rap and R&B artist that are becoming famous today. Oh my gosh you don't have to follow in the footsteps of Rihanna and Nicki Minaj. Beyonce is supposed to be leading the game not behind these people who have nothing on her. 

Beyonce would have fans either way but this new shit she keep putting out is not good. I miss the old Beyonce. She's trying to hard to fit in with this people she has no business trying to imitate. 

The video was okay. She looked like she was having fun and dancing around and there wasn't a lot in it. It was pretty calm considering some of her other ones. 

I just don't want her to lose herself trying to be like these other artist. That's not cool. You want the fans so you do have to adapt but don't just be like bye old self. 

I don't know but yeah. 

I'm kinda on the fence about the title. If she is trying to reinvent herself doing a song that close to Crazy In Love is pretty cool. It's like hey here's this old song that put me out and here is like an updated version of it and who I am now. But I'm still like that's way to close to Crazy In Love. I mean seriously Drunk In Love & Crazy In Love. And both feature Jay-Z. 

So yeah. 


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

So I know it's not very Christmasy but I just finished watching The Help. Again. It's a good movie. So is Frozen. I was in the theater and before the first 15 minutes were over I wanted to rewind it to see a part over again it's just great and this one song is so stupid but I kinda have a thing for cliches so I'm gonna put it on here:

I'm kinda being stupid. Anyway I got a Polaroid camera for Christmas. I am so happy! It's an instant camera and I've always wanted one because, hello, they are SO cool!! And I also got like 90 dollars in Amazon cards and about 75 in American Express. Sometimes it pays to have relatives who care just enough not to care, you know what I mean? Good thing I sent them Thank You letters and presents. Woot! I am on a ROLL!!!
Can I just say how mad I am at Aaron for being so UGH and so OHMYGOSH at the same time. Ever read Frogs and French Kisses?
"A girl can dream. But the truth is, while what he felt for me wasn't real, what I felt for him was just as illusory. I was enamored with all he represented, his hotness, his social status, his never-ending supply of licorice. But there was never any real magic between us."
I think Sarah Mlynowski is a good writer. I like her a lot.
Hmm, maybe I'll go get some lasagna and maybe a cookie brownie. Byea!


Calm Down

Okay so I calmed down. I started looking up music online and yeah that always helps. I swear my list is like freaking long as hell. I just wanted to point out some things that you people might like. Or that helped. Some of these are older but who gives a shit. Music is music.

I love Lindsey Stirling. Seriously, I wanted to learn how to play the violin and hearing her is just badass. She is amazing. I love it and I love that she doesn't just do classical music. I love this song also and John Legend, his voice *sigh*. 

Okay so if you haven'y heard of PTX then you are seriously missing out. They are an amazing acapella group. They were doing acapella before Pitch Perfect and I loved them before. I usually hate covers of songs but I love acoustic version and stuff; plus these people can really sing. I mean they aren't better than the original but they are amazing. I really like the Radioactive one that they did with Lindsey Stirling (here she is again) and the Royals one. They were the closet to getting the chorus of Royals like I wanted. 

Radioactive - PTX cover.

I don't care if you don't like Wrecking Ball. The song is really emotional and good and I will give Miley credit but oh my gosh Arlene Zelina's cover of the song blew it out of the park. It is really good. I love this version. Again not a big cover fan but if you do the song right then yeah I will like it. I'm seriously critical so don't fuck up.

I love this song. Seriosuly, I am so addicted to The Neighborhood. Pay attention to the warning and if you don't care for nudity do not watch. You don't see anything but still he is naked in parts of the video. I love the line in the song that goes, "You're too mean, I don't like you, Fuck you anyway." Anyways if you haven't heard Sweater Weather by them, what are you waiting for go listen. That song is badass and I love it. Go now and then come back and finish the post. 

Okay this is the last one. I love the beat of this song. Seriously it is awesome and the lyrics are really interesting. I kinda have to go... Ugh I really wanna talk more.

I know weird of me to be posting anything on Christmas but my mother is at work and won't be home until later so right now me and my little brother are chilling and watching old Spongebobs that I had recorded. So yeah nothing's up. My Grandmother isn't coming like she said she would because she doesn't want to drive in the snow. My mom is pissed because she was supposed to be bringing Christmas Dinner and now my mom has to drive out there after work and get us something.

Anyways I will talk later hopefully. Have a very Merry Christmas.



Merry Christmas! 

I don't know how to go from that very happy statement to saying I hated this morning. It just wasn't fun. Ughhhhh... 

I told myself I wasn't going to get upset or mad about these Christmas gifts but you know screw it. I seriously don't give a shit. No one reads this anyways so let me fucking rant. 

My brother got a laptop. Do you know how long I've been asking for a laptop? For a long time that's the answer. I mean a long time. Way before my brother even started to ask. I woulda took my moms old beat up computer that always has to stay plugged in but my brother blew it out last year. This really fucking annoys me. And it's a nice looking computer too. I would have accepted a freaking pawn shop computer. I just... I don't even know what to say. 

And my little brother got an iPod Touch 5th generation. The newest for of the iPod I have. He's above me. Yeah. Why does a 9 year old need something like that. He has the update. I can't even get the update. Oh my gosh. I'm so pissed off. Dude you have got to freaking kidding me. And then he got a pair of big ass headphones and a video game. They spent some money on him. 

An I know my father bought my siblings some toys and didn't buy and me and my older brother shit. 

All I got was a camera. I should be grateful right??? I am grateful because some people didn't get shit but I'm talking about in my family. Now I feel spoiled talking about not getting a laptop and stuff. 

You know what it doesn't even fucking matter. Everyone got a batter gift and I'm okay with that. 

Have a nice day. 


Monday, December 23, 2013


I found out two days ago but I'm still so excited! I completely suck at Algebra Two! This is so unexpected!

Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck
Some nights I call it a draw
Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle
Some nights I wish they'd just fall off
But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
Oh Lord, I'm not sure what I stand for
What do I stand for, what do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know anymore
-Some Nights, FUN

Elsa, please I know youre in there
People are asking where you've been
They say, "have courage" and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you
Just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we going to do?
Do you want to build a snowman?
-Do You Want to Build a Snowman, FROZEN

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see, be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.... well now they know!
Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say, let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

I reccomend going to see Frozen. It was amazing. Time to eat breakfast! Thanks for listening guys!


Friday, December 20, 2013

Dear Peoples

Okay sorry last night I started doing my hair and it took like 6 hours and just yeah. Here is the longer post.

Today is the last day of school before the holiday break. Two more test and we will be home free. I already took my test for my computer class so I am about to listen to music and study for my Biology test.

I am super ready to go to Michigan. I'm not all the way packed but that is not intentional. Usually I would have been packed two weeks ago but my lovely stepmother refused to was clothes until this week and whenever I would do it she would yell at me. Lovely right?

Doesn't matter I only have to spend the total of one day with her before I am gone for two weeks. I complain about my stepmother a lot but every since the first week in December she has been not talking to me and always seems to have an attitude with me. I have a problem with attitudes.

Anyways I got a 93 on my World History exam. Happy face, I needed an 87 to get an A in his class for the semester. I also have an A in English. I am so happy about that. I would have cried if it wasn't an A. I love English too much to get a B. I took his test yesterday and I think I did a decent job. At least a B. I don't know about the other classes.

I seriously don't know what I want to talk about.

Well I was helping my Grandmother at the food bank when this lady came in. She was high or drunk or something. We were behind on making bags because there was a lot of people and not a lot of workers. SO some of the people were waiting but they didn't seem to mind. Anyways she came in and she started cussing and yelling because we were taking too long. We had to get the other people their bags before her because it is first come first serve. So her brother or whoever was with her and he said, "Calm down this is the place of God."

She actually said, "Nah bitch, it's filled with the devil."

So I got up and left and brought her a bag because she needed to leave. So she and her brother leave and this lady who was still there who comes a lot was like, "She stole one of y'all hats."

The church had these gifts set out for people to buy that were left over from an auction and there were some hats there. The lady really did steal one of the hats.

It was ridiculous.

Yeah. Anyways it was my mother's birthday on Wednesday. I called her and texted her. So yeah. I don't know how old she is, she's not going to tell me anyways.

Okay I really don't have a lot to say. Nothing has been happening.

Oh my friend got approached by a man who said if I l blow in your ear will you follow me and then he blew in his ear. (This friend was a dude.) He didn't follow him of course but I told him he would have been a sex slave and he said is that really the first thing you can think of.

My answer is yes. I was a shitload of SVU so yeah.

Okay I think I am done.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hi there

Sorry I've been absent. Semester exams are this week and I have been busy with my nose in a book. Only one more day and I only have to take one test and it will be easy. On top of that I have been trying to pack to get ready to go to Michigan. 

I won't see Kat for a while. Tomorrow is our last day together before the new year and after that she might be dead because her mom is going to murder her about her grades. 

I don't have a lot to say. Nothing has been happening and I'm tired and I'm trying to do my hair. Longer post later???


Monday, December 16, 2013

Scared for my life

You guys wouldn't believe the grades I have. My mom is going to murder me. C's, D's, even an F... God I'm a mess.

Digital Layout- 74.6 C WHAT THE HELL it's so easy what the heck I have to go talk to that teacher.
Chemistry- 67.2 D If I do the extra credit and rock the semester exam...?
Spanish 3- 73.4  C He is tripping he hasn't been here for the last 3 weeks he better put those grades in before I bust his head
Biology- 81.1 B If I do extra credit and rock the semester exam maybe it'll stay that way
P.E.- 100 A Obviously
English- 91.0 A I just have to keep it that way...
Algebra Two- 55.1 F- Don't even talk to me about this
AP World History- 78.1 C This shouldn't be too hard to turn into a B. Just have to do my work and rock the final.

Yeah, I know, I'm dead.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

With Love,

Can I just say how afraid I am about the semester exams coming up. They are going to kill me. I mean, I have study schedule and whatever but I don't (nor have I ever) want to study. Most of my teachers are like: Ive given you the answers all you have to do is memorize them. And that's great and all but when you give students 6 test with 20-60 questions on each that the teachers want you to memorize your mind just kinda goes WUT. But I really like the factors of me acing my Algebra Two exam. He gave us a study guide with 110 questions and put the answers and how to solve the problems online. He's only going to use 75 of them too. And of course my English test which, hello, is going to be so easy. It's over Night, by Elie Wiesel. I love the book (I dont like what happens in it or anything but I'm glad I read it. It's very eye-opening) so I have no problem with re-reading to make sure I know what's going to be on the test.
On another note, my friend asked me to figure out if Aaron liked her so I did and it turns out he doesn't so I don't know what to tell her. So I'll avoid her temporarily until I figure out how to tell her gently.
And can I just say how I have met the stereotypical boy. I didn't think they actually existed but they do and I just... It goes from You're pretty to Send me nudes and I cant handle that transition. <---- that was from tumblr this guy I'm talking about didn't say that to me but I kinda felt like it was heading there so I went NOPE.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I hope you guys are having a Merry Christmas even though it's not christmas and some of you may not celebrate it. So happy Hanukkah or any other thing you celebrate. How about this, Merry Unspecified Holiday!


P.S. people I originally hated at the beginning of the school year are becoming my friends and people I loved are becoming people I cant stand. I don't even know anymore.

P.P.S. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, why is art so f***ing hard
Up above the world so high, I can't draw the other eye
Twinkle, twinkle, little F***
What the-
I give up
(Also from Tumblr)

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I was in the Top Ten at the Poetry Slam. Dude I wasn't expecting that and did not have another poem so I'm scrabbling to get another poem and then I didn't know the poem so I like stuttered and just messed it up. And I know I shouldn't be sad but oh my gosh I am. It's like you don't want something but then you have the opportunity to get it and so then you want it. 

I'm okay with it but people are trying to talk to me and I just don't feel like talking. I just want to be sad for a minute. The girl who won was amazing. Some of the people that did win weren't as good to me as some of the others. 

This one girl from my school who was in the top ten with me, I so expected her to win or at least place. She didn't, and she's a senior so this will be he last time. She's don't it before and still hasn't won. She was pissed off and I understand why. I seriously thought she would win.

I was so nervous. I was shaking so bad. Oh my gosh. I am so tired right now and my feet are killing me. 

Seriously. I'm excited just to be considered part of the top ten. I understand why I didn't place and I am okay with that. There's always next year. 

I have got to study. I'm tired and just want to sleep. 


Thursday, December 12, 2013


I wanted to do the 300th post but I will be satisfied with number 301. 

I'm stressing out. 
Semester exams are next week and since we missed so many days teachers are shoving new stuff at us with study guides for the exam. They didn't have time to teach the new stuff and there is barely time for review. 

Two of my teachers who haven't updated their grades in forever finally updated showing that I have a B in both classes. A fucking B. 

To some people y'all are sitting there going why are you complaining about that. I will tell you why. My family does not do B's. We get A's and only A's. Anything below an A gets scrutinized and  we are told to try harder. 

The good thing is one of those teachers is allowing us to retake 3 text. I have exactly 3 test in his class that are lower than a B so yah!!! And since it is an AP class it will push my grade point average up to make it look like I have all A's even if I get a B in one of my other classes. 

I'm trying to study for semester exams and it is ridiculously hard. I have to memorize 2-3 poems for the poetry slam this Saturday also. I have to finish a 126 question study guide for Pre-Cal, with stuff so old I don't even remember it. I'm trying to memorize dates and names and definitions. 

My brain is going to explode. There are two good things. 1. My EAST teacher allowed us to turn out exam projects in early. We had to do a PowerPoint and design a logo. Easy and I have already done it. 2. My creative writing teacher gave us the prompt for exam. I wrote 1/2 of it and will finish it later. That's easy. 

I'm trying to stay calm but every single one of my textbooks is at home. I'm lugging them back and forth because I'm trying to study and do homework but I still need them in class. 

I'm surprised my hair isn't falling out from all the stress. My stepmother asked me if I wanted to go to my little sisters holiday concert at her school and I still had stuff to do and not enough time so I had to say no. I really wanted to go. My siblings don't get a huge amount of support from my parents, they get more than me; but I know how hard it is for your parents not to support you as a little kid. Even though I am not their parent I just want to support them. 

My father just asked me to pop him a bag of popcorn. He's like less than a minute away from the kitchen but he calls me to pop him a bag. And then he comes into the kitchen which is real stupid. Dude seriously? This is why my grades are so important. I need to get the fuck out of this state an away from my parents. I can't deal. 

Anyways I gotta go make my brain explode. Study/Homework break is over. I probably won't be on for a while. 


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

300th post!!!

I have the honor of posting the 300th post. It breaks my heart that we still have no followers except for one. But what's a girl gonna do about that, right?
So apparently all of my friends are logic freaks. Its a little annoying, not going to lie. 'Cause sometimes i feel like the stupid one when they stump me and I just sit there for a good minute going "wait what just happened?" and then, when I confuse them it's the best thing in the world. I feel like this is a lame excuse for a 300th post but I really have nothing else to say.
To all those reading: I love you guys! If you take a hot minute out of your life to read this then you're good enough for me! (It'd be nice if you followed but eh, you cant have everything, right?)


One Thing

You want to know something I hate? I hate when people try to tell me I'm wrong when I know for a fact that I am right. Seriously. 

This morning my bus was extremely late. I had already gone home and she still hasn't come. I was waiting on my stepmother to come home from dropping my siblings off at school and my friend who rides the bus with me texted me and asked if the bus driver had came. So my stepmother gets home and she immediately starts to criticize me. She tells me I need a hat on when she knows I don't have one. But then she says why are you still here. I tell her my bus never came and she goes how do you know, you could have missed it. 

First of all I left my house on time this morning unlike the rest of the mornings. I'm usually late. So I know I didn't miss the bus. Second if the bus hasn't been by to pick up my friend then it hasn't come. So I tell all of this to her and she tries to argue with me. 

I really hate when people do that. She's been really pissing me off and I haven't done anything to her yet. 

I do however have good news. I got nominated to attend a 6 day journalism and media conference in Washington D.C.. I really want to go but it is a lot of money and just stuff like that. I forwarded the message to my mom so she could look at it. I get this award that looks good on any recommendation letter and a college credit. 

Well I was reading something interesting so I am just gonna go. 

No lyrics today. But I do need to memorize my poem. Bye y'all. 


Monday, December 9, 2013

Music Monday


I'm about to start a new thing called Music Monday's. I usually download songs and get new music on Monday so it's perfect. All I am going to do is list the songs. The ones for this week are relatively old. They weren't just released or anything. You know when your listening to Pandora or just watching TV and you hear this song that you used to love and then you search your iPod for it and can't find it? Yeah that has been happening to me so I rectified that this week. Anyways enjoy!!!! 

Alice - Avril Lavigne 
Beggin' - Madcon
Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Day N' Nite - Kid Cudi
Don't Let Me Fall - B.o.B
Fallin' - Macklemore 
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine (I like this song not just because it was in Twilight but because its really cool. Because I like skip over songs in Twilight because they depress me so I have to find other reasons to think about when I listen to them so yeah.)
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne 
Let Her Go - Passenger 
Runaway - Kanye West
Sail (Unlimited Gravity Remix) - AWOLNATION (I usually hate remixes but this is good.)
Somebody Told Me - The Killers 
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood (Oh my gosh I love this song. It's so awesome. And the title is awesome.)
Vegas - Sara Barielles 
Victory Lap - Macklemore 
Waiting Game - Banks 
White Blank Page - Mumford & Sons (Really loving the banjos and the lyrics)
White Walls - Macklemore 

Anyways I gotta go. I will see y'all next week. Next weeks playlist might deal more with the songs I'm using to study. Seriously I'm about to crack the books open for semester exams. 

Who else?!?!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

This *Bleep*

So I'm bout to rant. We're out of school again tomorrow because of the "snow". This shit is nothing. These people are freaking out over nothing. I swear if I was up North with my mom she none of this would be happening. I don't have the time for this. This is the last week before semester exams. I need my review days. I can't go into my test not knowing what I'm doing. This is too serious. Shit got real for me. I need scholarships and right now I have a 4.0. I can't have my semester exam grade pulling down my grade. I need to study and I need to do my best. I need to get out of this damn state. I don't have time to play with these people. This is the real deal. 

I'm done. My weekend has been terrible and I really wanna get out of my ducking house with my freaking strpmother. I'm going to end up killing her if these goes on any longer. 

Anyways I'm gonna go watch a movie. See y'all!!!! 

Well it was just a dream
Just a moment ago
I was up so high
Looking down at the sky
Don't let me fall
I was shooting for stars
On a Saturday night
They say what goes up
Must come down
But don't let me fall
Don't let me fall
Don't let me fall
They say what goes up
Must come down
But don't let me fall
Don't let me fall

"Don't Let Me Fall" - B.o.B


Friday, December 6, 2013

Keep Holding On

Okay so we didn't go to school and I spent my day watching Glee. I'm still watching Glee actually. Kat you can't judge me considering you watch Degrassi, but anyways they sang this song and I was like oh my gosh. I forgot all about this song. I really loved this song when it came out. It's awesome. So yeah, this is one of my favorite songs. 

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

"Keep Holding On" - Avril Lavigne 


Thursday, December 5, 2013


Okay so the past couple of days people have been claiming it is going to snow tonight and tomorrow morning. In the state in which I live the weather is crazy. In the beginning of the week it was warmish and then it got freezing cold and started to rain. 

I don't think it's going to do much but I spent half my life up north where snow is snow and not just slushy ice. I'm used to more than four inches. I understand why people started to freak out. 1. My state doesn't get a lot of snow or ice. We are burning hot in the summer and it has been 80 degrees in the winter down here. 2. We don't have the the resources to deal with the snow. They have an abundance of snow trucks and stuff up north but down here we don't. 

So they closed down the schools tomorrow. I'm not upset with this I'm not all too happy either. I don't want any extra days added on to the end of the year. I would much rather get started on my vacation. I can't just skip like I used to before I was in high school because of semester exams. They announced that school were closed and everyone started to cheer and I was just like okay. 

I am however extremely happy that they postponed the District Poetry Slam until next weekend. Which reminds me, Kat we need to talk about when we are going to study. Text me. I don't have my poem memorized and actually just wrote it on Tuesday so this gives me more time. They announced that over the intercom and I started to cheer and then my friend Jimmy came over and started hugging and jumping with me like a little girl and we fell. It's moments like that that you will remember even when high school ends. 

Semester exams are coming up and I am a little nervous but I think my only main problems will be Pre-Cal, AP World History, and English. I think I have English down but you never know with my teacher. 

Uh... I gotta go. Have a nice weekend y'all. TEXT ME KAT!!!! 

This is the poem I'm doing in the poetry slam: 

I'm known to always have a smile on my face. 
I'm that girl who always smiles and laughs. 
Sound a little like Harry Potter. 
The boy who lived meets the girl who smiles. 

I've been called smiley which annoys me.
Happy Cheeks which sounds like Dixie Chicks to me. 
And that lovely girl next door. 
A little insight, I'm not the girl next door
I'm the girl down the street who never comes to play

Now my smile can be helpful. 
No one suspects me to do anything bad 
I'm a good little girl 
The smile I just gave probably made me look suspicious 
My teachers see me and go "oh she couldn't hurt a fly"

I'm goofy and keep my friends laughing 
Because I'm that girl 
And this is going to sound cliche and I hate cliche 
But my smile is a mask 

Sometimes I don't want to be that smiley girl
I don't want to be happy 
But this smile is a permanent feature to me face 
It never leaves even in the darkest of times 

I can cry with a smile on my face 
Creepy right 
I've never learned to show any other emotion 
This smile holds my secrets, my life, reality 
Who wants to live in real life 

So I give people what they want 
A healthy happy teenage girl 
No would believe the thoughts running through my mind 
Don't call the school counselor 
It won't do you or me any good 
I've been telling this lie so long, so well that even I start to believe 

I'm explaining all of this to you and you sit confused as to why there is a smile on my face 
You sit looking at this smiling girl 
Waiting to laugh and I've said nothing funny 
You don't see underneath my false appearance of happiness 

My smile is so bright it blinds the truth 
I've just poured my heart out 
Spilled my inner thoughts 
But you may think I'm lying, joking around, have a good time
That's just what I wanted 
People see me and they see the girl who always smiles

- MusicalLover 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

6 posts away from 200!!!

See, I feel kind of bad for not posting, but I really had no way to be able to. Cause the only computer-like thing that my dad has (I was visiting my father for the holiday) is his IPad and yeah that doesnt do too well for blogspot unless you get the app which I wasn't about to download.
Anyway, JB got really happy this morning because she checkmated me in chess. I'm really proud of her even though I'm also really mad. Its like, Kat-3 JB-1 but it doesn't matter because she got really good. The way I play chess is i do random crap until my mind comes up with a 3-6 step plan to checkmate my opponent and I came up with about 3 plans durning the game and she saw through all of them. I was just like, "wow." it took her a good 5 minutes to figure out the last one but she did it. And she beat me.
On a totally different note, I had a lot of fun in Spanish 3 today. Senor Lyle hasn't been here for two weeks, he's taking a long mental vacation. And it's kind of annoying. Cause he isn't uploading grades and every week he's gone my grade gets lower and lower so now I have a D, %68. I had a B, %89 so you can understand my fustration. I simply cannot have an F on my report card so he needs to come back. But we just wrote essays in spanish on what we did during our Thanksgiving break. Mine was pretty okay. The sub made me and Aaron work together because he sits right behind me. Then Jacob came over and we started to chat then the entire class just ended up doing nothing. We all got our work done but that sub was still acting like he knew Spanish, he didn't even know the basis of the assignment, and we half-listened and half-not because c'mon, we were done.  It was ridiculous. And fun.
I'm really sick of this teacher talking in Digital Layout she's going over every damn thing in Quizlet, it's a website we can figure it out! And we have to take a test on it when she literally gave us the answers in a vocabulary packet. It's a computer class! It's not that serious! It's been 30 minutes for crying out loud... none of us are freshmen we know how school works, jeez.

I. Am. Dying.
