
Thursday, December 5, 2013


Okay so the past couple of days people have been claiming it is going to snow tonight and tomorrow morning. In the state in which I live the weather is crazy. In the beginning of the week it was warmish and then it got freezing cold and started to rain. 

I don't think it's going to do much but I spent half my life up north where snow is snow and not just slushy ice. I'm used to more than four inches. I understand why people started to freak out. 1. My state doesn't get a lot of snow or ice. We are burning hot in the summer and it has been 80 degrees in the winter down here. 2. We don't have the the resources to deal with the snow. They have an abundance of snow trucks and stuff up north but down here we don't. 

So they closed down the schools tomorrow. I'm not upset with this I'm not all too happy either. I don't want any extra days added on to the end of the year. I would much rather get started on my vacation. I can't just skip like I used to before I was in high school because of semester exams. They announced that school were closed and everyone started to cheer and I was just like okay. 

I am however extremely happy that they postponed the District Poetry Slam until next weekend. Which reminds me, Kat we need to talk about when we are going to study. Text me. I don't have my poem memorized and actually just wrote it on Tuesday so this gives me more time. They announced that over the intercom and I started to cheer and then my friend Jimmy came over and started hugging and jumping with me like a little girl and we fell. It's moments like that that you will remember even when high school ends. 

Semester exams are coming up and I am a little nervous but I think my only main problems will be Pre-Cal, AP World History, and English. I think I have English down but you never know with my teacher. 

Uh... I gotta go. Have a nice weekend y'all. TEXT ME KAT!!!! 

This is the poem I'm doing in the poetry slam: 

I'm known to always have a smile on my face. 
I'm that girl who always smiles and laughs. 
Sound a little like Harry Potter. 
The boy who lived meets the girl who smiles. 

I've been called smiley which annoys me.
Happy Cheeks which sounds like Dixie Chicks to me. 
And that lovely girl next door. 
A little insight, I'm not the girl next door
I'm the girl down the street who never comes to play

Now my smile can be helpful. 
No one suspects me to do anything bad 
I'm a good little girl 
The smile I just gave probably made me look suspicious 
My teachers see me and go "oh she couldn't hurt a fly"

I'm goofy and keep my friends laughing 
Because I'm that girl 
And this is going to sound cliche and I hate cliche 
But my smile is a mask 

Sometimes I don't want to be that smiley girl
I don't want to be happy 
But this smile is a permanent feature to me face 
It never leaves even in the darkest of times 

I can cry with a smile on my face 
Creepy right 
I've never learned to show any other emotion 
This smile holds my secrets, my life, reality 
Who wants to live in real life 

So I give people what they want 
A healthy happy teenage girl 
No would believe the thoughts running through my mind 
Don't call the school counselor 
It won't do you or me any good 
I've been telling this lie so long, so well that even I start to believe 

I'm explaining all of this to you and you sit confused as to why there is a smile on my face 
You sit looking at this smiling girl 
Waiting to laugh and I've said nothing funny 
You don't see underneath my false appearance of happiness 

My smile is so bright it blinds the truth 
I've just poured my heart out 
Spilled my inner thoughts 
But you may think I'm lying, joking around, have a good time
That's just what I wanted 
People see me and they see the girl who always smiles

- MusicalLover 

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