
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

So I know it's not very Christmasy but I just finished watching The Help. Again. It's a good movie. So is Frozen. I was in the theater and before the first 15 minutes were over I wanted to rewind it to see a part over again it's just great and this one song is so stupid but I kinda have a thing for cliches so I'm gonna put it on here:

I'm kinda being stupid. Anyway I got a Polaroid camera for Christmas. I am so happy! It's an instant camera and I've always wanted one because, hello, they are SO cool!! And I also got like 90 dollars in Amazon cards and about 75 in American Express. Sometimes it pays to have relatives who care just enough not to care, you know what I mean? Good thing I sent them Thank You letters and presents. Woot! I am on a ROLL!!!
Can I just say how mad I am at Aaron for being so UGH and so OHMYGOSH at the same time. Ever read Frogs and French Kisses?
"A girl can dream. But the truth is, while what he felt for me wasn't real, what I felt for him was just as illusory. I was enamored with all he represented, his hotness, his social status, his never-ending supply of licorice. But there was never any real magic between us."
I think Sarah Mlynowski is a good writer. I like her a lot.
Hmm, maybe I'll go get some lasagna and maybe a cookie brownie. Byea!


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