
Friday, February 8, 2013

And unto us....

Once upon a time, in a big city up north that shan't be named, there lived a little girl named Kat. She liked where she lived very much. But too bad, too sad Kat. Say hello to the real world. The real world, in my case, is called the Big D.
"When the place you call home is closed for business"
-Toby Mac
I guess I'm supposed to be sad but it is a relief not to hear yelling from my folks when they think id have gone to sleep.
So after a whole lot of moving from house to house(apartment to apartment but why get literal?) with my sibling, who will be hereby known as 'little man' even though he's older than me, in the end my mother ended up in custody of us and my dad with a new wife. My stepmother who I love.
But my mom, mad at my dad for something ill explain later, moved us down south. That's a big change for a city girl who is used to being able to walk everywhere to the "cuuuuuntry' where you need to be able to drive to get a pack of mini donuts.
Anyhoo I was plopped down in middle school in a new state in 7th grade. I had no freaking clue what to do to make friends. I was puny and awkward and antisocial my entire life. That is when i met....MM. My first friend. This is how we met.
*Teacher hands out papers, the first questions being, 'write the name of someones name you learned today.' MM looks over at me.*
"Whats your name?"
"Kat. Yours?"
BOOM instant friends. Sad, huh? But MM is sweet, caring, honest, and my best friend forever, even though we barely talk anymore.
MusicLover, wanna share your part of the story up until the first day of 7th Grade?


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