
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hey guys,

So I guess I want to say some stuff? Rant a little?
I am really mad. Jazzi got a pair of the same cat ears as I wear. And yeah, everyone is like "It's not a big deal" but I don't care what they say cause yeah, the cat ears sap my creativity from my brain in a weird way but they are MINE. I am not saying sharing is bad because its not and I don't have a thing with sharing but oh, my GOD can I please have this ONE thing. I love my friends to pieces but come on I draw people with cat ears, my alter ego is named KAT for crying out loud. The weird thing is I love dogs a smidgen more then I love cats but that's beside the point. The point is maybe it's not a big deal to some people but I actually felt for a second that something distinguished me from my friends.
And I'm sorry if thats offensive, the fact that I want to be considered as SEPARATE from them. I don't mean it to be but I just...
My whole life has been me and my brother and I love him too but he looks just like me. And that's not the worst part is that everyone likes him better than me. And maybe I'm just being stupid but thats how it seems. And then I find these awesome people who actually like me for me and I feel like I'm finally a single person not just part of a pair. And then it starts all over again when I get two best friends who look a lot like me which is weird and cool at first until I realize I'm RIGHT BACK WHERE I STARTED.
Then I find these cat ears, which are in reality just a headband but to me a lot more than that. They single me out and for once I would love to be, "the girl with the cat ears" instead of "oh yeah that's so-and-so's best friend." or "you mean so-and-so's sister?" Because I want to be known for ME not someone else. Sue me.
And call me crazy but her getting those cat ears pissed me off. And then I stole them from her which yeah was petty and I have to admit didn't make me feel better. So I gave them back because whatever right? I'm not going to fight over something so stupid.
But I had to rant.


P.S. and ML I dont want to talk about it with you. Just don't.

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