
Monday, February 3, 2014

Update/These Peoole

Okay so I haven't been on in a while. Don't ask why. So um... Anyways... 

I'm gonna be real brief about the Superbowl. I didn't watch it. I watched the Half-Time Show. Bruno did a good job. Do I think it was his best or the best performance? No, but it was good. He got the crowd hype and then he had the Hot Chili Peppers and they did awesome. He had military personnel give there family a special message that was beautiful. It was good. I want people to stop comparing his performance to Beyonce's last year. First of they are two different artist. And Beyonce is more of a performer. Bruno is more of a singer. What I mean by performer is she gets on stage and puts on a show that sometimes doesn't always include showing all of her vocal abilities. No I'm not doubting her vocal abilities because she CAN SING. I may not like the path she's on now but I can't stop her so whatever. Anyways, Bruno did a good job performing and showing his vocal abilities. It was good. I really like when he performers Runaway Baby and he does the James Brown moves. And I'm sorry but if you were on that stage with a bunch of lights and shit on you dancing you would get hot and start sweating too so shut up. Somebody put that online and it was stupid. 

Next thing is I didn't really route for a team. I love Peyton Manning. I loved the Indianapolis Colts because I was born there and they were a good team. But Peyton left and I was like well I'm going to go with him down to the Broncos. I don't care about the rest of that team. I like Peyton. I don't care bout the Seahawks either. Don't really pay attention to them. I wasn't entirely on the Broncos side either. I'm sorry about this but in my head I could see Charlie and Emmett from Twilight routing for the Seahawks. It's stupid but whatever. The Broncos still could of done better than what they did. Anyways enough about the Superbowl. 

I love my English teacher. He's a good teacher and he's very interactive and we have a good time in class. Now think about group of kids who at the beginning of the year didn't really talk and all hung out with each other. I was part of this group. I am no longer in that group. Those kids turn into monsters a little. They get to the point where they are so nice with the teacher that they become friends and feel like they can do anything.  They talk during class and just act crazy. They feel like they run the class and they get into arguments with the other kids who do the same thing and have always done the same thing. They didn't start off quiet they started off talking. 

I can't say that I haven't grown more comfortable in that class because I have. I talk more and I talk to the teacher outside of class. However I don't sit during class and talk and act like I own that class because technically none of them do. 

I don't know. This one dude that I consider my friend comes in that class with an attitude almost every other class period and just expects someone to seek him out and ask him what's wrong. Or to allow him to sit in the back and just talk the entire class period. And then he wants to get upset when someone tells him to shut up. Or when he's confused and he asks me what's happening and I don't tell him. I refuse to be someone back up plan. I'm not going to help you if you don't help yourself. It's not fair to me.  Don't just expect me to give you all the answers and allow you to copy off me. I'm not that kind of girl. 

I also don't like those people who act one way but then the next second they are different. They feel like they can talk about anything with you and they really can't. I'm sorry but your sexual life is none of my business. First of all you shouldn't be telling me this anyways. Second of all I don't want to know. I don't care about what your doing as long as you are safe, considering you shouldn't be doing it. I understand that people don't want to wait until marriage and that's fine. I realize that in today's time it's not realistic and I don't care. I still think that teenagers are too young and undeveloped to do it. It's not my business what some of my friends do. Especially those who aren't close to me. That's your personal business and you shouldn't be just telling people that and giggling and laughing about it. That's not appropriate for you to giggle about it. I think teens should wait until after high school. College it's whatever and I understand that people are you going to have sex before that and even before high school. I'm not anyone's mother and right now I don't want to be so I can't tell them what to do. I can however control what they tell me and I do not want to hear about what you do with your boyfriend of girlfriend. 

Moving on. I went to this Leadership Conference church thing with my grandparents this Saturday. It was interesting. I had some fun but this one lady made me upset. I accept the LBGT community. I respect and support them. I don't have a problem with people who don't support or accept them. I have a problem with people who don't respect them. And not even like you respect your parents or the president or whatever. I just want people to treat them like a normal person. 

So I go to this church thing and this women is talking about the metaphorical walls of a teenager. She starts talking about how homosexuality is a sin. She starts to talk about how it's being forced upon people because of their history. She talks about how much of a horrible childhood they must have for them to be "that way." She tells us that we need to lead them to the right way. 

A couple of things real quick. I don't agree with the Christian life style and I don't believe in everything they believe in. That's not to say that they aren't right or that it's stupid because it isn't. You wouldn't want anyone stepping on your beliefs so I try not to. There are times when the Christians I have in my life have been very hypocritical. I haven't had the best examples of how to be a Christian but I personally don't want to be one. 

So she's talking about this and she mentions about how on Good Luck Charlie one of Charlie's friends has 2 Mommies and how disappointed she was in Disney. I am proud Disney that they actually did this. It's interesting to see the outcome and see that Disney understands that times are changing. 

The lady mentioned how they (I don't know who they are) are trying to teach children that this is okay and it's right. 
I think that's the right thing to do. I mean to at least exposé kids to that type of lifestyle because it is becoming more common. 

Yes the parents teach the child what they want them to believe but don't go around teaching your child to just hate gays. That's when it gets out of hand. If you don't want you child to believe in that lifestyle it's not my problem just don't be mean and cruel about it. 

Would I enjoy it if everyone accepted the LBGT community. Yeah I really would but again it takes more than one person. 

Okay so can I get off my soapbox now? 
That's all I have for today unless I come back for Music Mondays or The Fosters and I doubt I will. So I'm going to go. 


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