First I need to say something to Kat.
One I dont care if "finna" isnt a word. I am going to say it because I have said it for most of my life. So you can KMA.
Two you posted for the hundreth time. You should have said something about that. I don't know.
Okay so music. Yeah so I was on YouTube and I was reading some of the comments. So like people were saying, I wanted real music so I came here.
I say that a lot.
And I just realized that I shouldn't.
People have very different taste in music so the type of music you listen to and the type of music they listen to could be different. So just because you think that one genre or artist is complete trash doesn't mean that the whole world does. There are still people who think that it rocks and will listen to it.
So everything is real music. It may not be real music to you but to soemone else it is.
Some Justin Bieber song could have saved some girl from committing suicide.
Music is universal. Everyone has a beat inside of them. A world without music is a world without life. I seriously think you need music to survive. So just because you don't like something or don't think it's "real music" doesn't mean that it isn't.
Music is really important to me. I don't know why exactly but I do know that I listen to it everyday. I sing a lot and just really like music. I mostly like the lyrics of songs. I don't know but the way songwriters word these songs to have a melody is amazing. Just thinking of the process you go through to get to that. It's... mind - blowing. I wish I could do that.
Writing does that for me. It takes all these ideas and it lets me explore my imagination. I used to be really boring and like really quiet. Everything I wanted to say usually went into words on a page and it still does. I do express myself verbally but when I write from the heart you can see exactly what I am feeling and how soemthing affected me. So it's like... ughhhhhhhh.
I dont know how to expolain it. My mind is just a mess if beats, words, lyrics, pictures. I want all that down on paper. It's so confusing sometimes cause it could be all just one big picture or a thousand small ones. It's like something exploded inside my head and the only time I can clean up the mess is when I was have pen and paper and I am not forcing myself to write. If I force myself to write it won;t come out right.
How do you explain something you don't understand?
I am like literally scratching my head trying to tell you how much writing and music is a relief to me and it is so confusing. I don't even know why it is such a relief. I just know that hearing song lyrics that I can relate to my life is such a freaking awesome experience. It is like you finally seeing you have a friend when you have been alone for so many years. It's like drinking something so cool and refreshing after a thousand years of drought and then to be able to put that all down on paper and show the world. Fuck awesome.
Trying to explain myself is so hard. I just don't even know.
Music and writing are huge parts of my life. They help me decide and express myself. I am still learning who I am and they help me along the way.
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