
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I don't even know...One minute I was just asking if my friend had a sleeping bag I could borrow, the next, I'm thrown into some crazy IDontKnowWhat. Man. I just wanted a sleeping bag. I cant even describe the events of Wednesday night but I can say that I was flipping thru stuff on what can kill you and there is a blog entirely about Suicide. And how to do it. That's enough to make someone toss their tacos. What is wrong with you guys? There's some amazing stuff in life and you are going to give up now? Nuh uh.
Lemme bring something up ML said a little while ago. No one will care when you're gone. Well, they will, but they WILL also move on. You will be another face in the obituaries. Get out there and MAKE something of yourself. All those people who screwed you over? Make them say, "Damn" Because you are so awesome. Make them regret what ever they did to you. Every day of their ever loving life. They might for a while if you do the unspeakable, but people get over things. When you are alive and thriving and doing crap that makes them wanna cry cause their life isn't half as good as yours, is when you can laugh at the world.
But of course you cant really say that to your best friend who is shaking from overdose albuterol intake.  Gosh, I cant even. But I'm praying for her even though she's mad at me for getting involved WTF ever. <--- this isint about ML by the way don't worry.
I'm so happy I went on this Freedom thing. It opened my eyes to God. I'm not going to become a full blown out "PRAISE GOD HALLELUJAH" every second of the day type Christian. But ill cut back on cussing and try to eliminate that for good. Plus I wanna just accept the Lord and go to Heaven. But more on that later. But on the freedom things we did a mountain trail and I was seriously out of shape I totally can still feel my legs aching from it.


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