
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Math Anyone?????

I hate math.
Currently I have a C in math.
It used to be lower.
I'm really good at guessing.
A. Something simple
B. Something confusing
C. Something hard
D. Something long

Well D seems like a good choice.

Yeah so anyways.
I'm in Algebra 2. Two years ahead of what my grade level math is.
Next year I will be in Pre - Cal.
Cal as in Calculus.
I'm gonna fail.

If you miss one day you miss this huge church of something that you will need later on.
I've missed two days on math this school year. Maybe three. I can't remember

I missed a day the other day because Kat got me sick... (Yeah I said it again Kat.) and the divided polynomials.
WTF is a polynomial you ask.
Yeah well don't ask me.
And defiantly don't ask me how to divide one.
Nobody in my class takes descent notes so I am happy that I have friends who have the same teacher as me and take the same subject.
I copied their notes.
And got confused as a duck.
And ducks are pretty smart animals.

I remember once I was in the park feeding ducks with my family. I had a piece of bread in my hand and I let my hand drop to the side and this duck came and practically ripped my arm off grappling the entire piece of bread. To this day I have never fed ducks.

Anyways, so I'm at home doing my homework which means I'm putting the question into the Google search bar and my big brother comes in.
He is taking Pre - Cal and my stepmother sent him in there to help me.
(I used homework to get out of doing the dishes... At that time.... I still had to do them later :-/...)
So he is looking at my assignment and goes what is this.
He actually said... "What is this?"
I threw my hands up and continued "doing" my homework.
It just goes to show that math is completely stupid. Someone please tell me when I need to know how to divide a polynomial in real life. In the outside world. Seriously now.

Google... You better be right.

And I'm doing my book list just so you know. Some things have changed and its taking me longer.


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